Creeping Doom

Caster Level(s): Druid 7
Innate Level: 7
School: Conjuration
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Large
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

The caster summons a mass of biting and stinging insects which causes 1d6 points of damage. For every subsequent round that a creature remains within the area of effect, the damage inflicted is increased by an increment of 1d6 (ie. 1d6 for the first round, 2d6 for the second, 4d6 for the third, 7d6 for the fourth, and so on). The spell deals damage until its duration expires or it deals 1,000 points of damage.
