Bigby's Interposing Hand

Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
Innate Level: 5
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic, Material
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 1 Round / level
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Material Component: A Pair of Snakeskin Leather Gloves must be worn

A giant hand appears over the target and attempts to block its movement, making it difficult for him to attack. The target can push past the hand if he succeeds on an opposed Strength check. If failed, he receives a -10 penalty to all attack rolls for that round. He may attempt a new Strength check every round. If the target succeeds on his Strength check he is not penalized for that round, but the hand will attempt to block him again in the next round. The hand is treated as if having a Strength of 23 (+6 modifier to Strength checks).
