Windy Shores: History and Rumors

The only portion of the island not covered in dense heavy trees and foliage is a shallow valley that holds water at its lowest popint. Here dense moss and reed-filled marshy land surrounds the Windy Shores. All manner of swamp creatures dwell here, including large groups of what can only be described as sentient mushrooms.

The lake acquired its name for two reasons. The first was the fact that often the westerly winds that are kept from the forest by the densely packed trees are naturally channeled across the island through this strip of grassland. As they pass over the reeds around the lake, they can cause a strange and often disconcerting cacophony of sounds. It is also because the satyrs that still remain on the island often journey to the lake alone or in small groups to fashion flutes and whistles from the various grasses, bamboos and reeds that fill the area. The satyrs will only make their musical instruments frot he materials available from around this lake as they believe that something in the nature of the area gives their instruments a purer sound.
