Xeenite Red Wine

Xeenite Red Wine

A dangerously lusty red wine with intoxicating effects, this wine is an essential part of Xeenite celebrations and rituals everywhere.

The key to making this wine is to use only grapes who's vines scale the walls of temples of Xeen. It is said that the grapes that grow on Xeen's temples already have an intoxicating affect even before being made into wine.

The recipe for this wine is said to be guarded very closely by Xeen's priestesses themselves, and is rumored to have been stolen by one of the proprietors of the Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern after a very prominent Xeenite festival in Katherian. However, not too many people know how much truth is in this tale. If there is any truth to it, those who know, don't talk about it. Truth or not, everybody benefits from the knowledge of this recipe, as it is the finest wine ever made.

Price: 100gp
