Toran: Temples

Former Temple of Toran, Prantz

Once the mightiest structure dedicated to Toran, this glorious temple is now a temple to Sulterio. Where halls of stone and marble once reflected soft afternoon light, where once dedicated clerics and paladins spoke of world events and helped the populace, now is a dark stone building bound with adamantium towers, smashing flat the land that once held Toran's honored dead.

It is assumed that Lord Rael destroyed the temple. However, some eyewitness reports speak of dark elf mages with a shriveled, dark-skinned leader unleashing horrific magic upon the structure. These reports are unverified, however, and the few that first spoke them can no longer be located inside Prantz.

Sanctuary at Fort Llast

An unadorned building built out of huge stone slabs, the temple in Fort Llast was never meant to hold the entire church. It is the center of Toran's faith for central and west Mistone. But since the fall of the Prantz, it has been full to bursting with the Prantz clergy and orders as well. Several wood outbuildings have been thrown up around the fort to allow for more space, but quarters remain tight.

Even with some renovation going on, the age and necessities of military living keep this temple far removed from any luxuries. With so many working together, meeting rooms and classrooms are constantly full. Although, more begin the long journey to Tilmar to assist with the new temple daily.

The Citadel of Toran, Huangjin

Designed after the loss of the temple in Prantz, the Citadel was constructed relatively fast. Since 1430 the faith is slowly moving its headquarters here from the sanctuary at Fort Llast.

