"We are one with Layonara for Layonara is Nature. Without Nature there is no Layonara. All races, all living creatures lend their time to Nature. Nurture, protect and defend Nature. Oppose those who seek to unbalance it. While we preserve and protect life, give credence that in the Great Cycle of Life, death also has its place."
Katians believe there is a place for most things within the great cycle and celebrate how each may find his or her path. Fires rejuvenate the lands. Water purifies the soil. Wind carries away excess and delivers new seeds from new places. Earth bears witness and supports all we do. People come in many varieties as well, including a mixture of these traits and more. The balanced path brings a better Layonara and an enriched life. While the great cycle's needs change and revolve, there are a few static concepts shared by most Katian followers. Katia's principles are to preserve and protect the wild places and nurture the care for Layonara within others. Katia's worshipers tend to interpret the needs of each of these principles a little differently in each place. A large factor in the definition of her dogma is in its flexibility. Doing what needs be done to protect, balance, and nurture. The paths that are taken vary in places as her followers tend to operate alone or in small isolated groups or families. Many see themselves as defenders of the wild places; others find their life's work in the grander scale of balancing the great cycle.
Katian dogma tends toward neutrality rather then good or evil, laws or chaos. The focus is centered more on a personal connection to Katia and how the self affects the world around them. Remaining true to the self and the great cycle is most paramount. Restoring balance in nature, people, and one's self are the goals of most Katians. How that is done is based on personal philosophy, the teachings of their home, and which path they follow in life. If anything would upset the balance, those actions would be considered a sin. Generally speaking, Katians find nothing more upsetting then the uncaring clearing of the forest to make way for agricultural fields. The aggressive expansion of cities into the wild lands also finds its place within the discussions of elders, attempting to find a way to slow or stop these atrocities to nature. Those who heartlessly cut down trees for use of their lumber quickly find themselves on the punishing end of a Katian's tree-given staff.