Thoraz: Defenses

Thought impregnable, the worked cavern walls of this dwarven town are being constructed with care and considerable forethought. Sadly, a massive earthbend in 1390 rendered a large portion of Thoraz open to the natural caverns below. Not long after, rumors of Deep dwarf incursions began to surface. In addition to using the naturally occurring defenses of Thoraz's environment to their advantage, the dwarves ensure that this town is heavily patrolled at all candlemarks. Patrolling here is part of the Academy rotation during which the green recruits are given duties while they are in training. Their schedules are fractured and erratic; the recruits never keep a regular sleeping schedule or even know their watch schedule ahead of time during training. The goal of this tactic is two-fold: first, the recruits are trained to handle real battle situations with experiencing the emotional shock of a lack of schedule in the field, and second, the irregular schedule deters potential infiltrators.
