Raven's Watch: History and Rumors

Raven's Watch is the only true town on Krashin. It is a trading hub between Krashin and the world, and much gold flows through this port. It is the only place on Krashin where outlanders permanently dwell--tolerated but never truly accepted. Raven's Watch forms the center of Markland, which is the most prosperous and densely populated part of the island and runs along the southern coastline of Krashin. Mark means border in the Krashinite tongue. To the locals, the Markland forms the border between the honorable Krashinites and the rest of the world to the south. The western part of Krashin is known as Ulfland, while the eastern part is known as Bearland. To the north, lies the land of the Wolverines.

Raven, Wolverine, Ulf, and Bear are the symbols of the tribes that populate these lands and these emblems are flown on banners during combat. Every tribe consists of several clans. In battle, each clan carries a flag with their own clan's symbol, as well as that of their tribe.

In almost all the clans in each tribe, the men do all the hunting and the women perform the more menial tasks. However, there are exceptions, such as in the Raven tribe. The women of the Raven tribe are exposed to people from outside of Krashin and are often good at the business side of trading.
