Lake of Dreams: History and Rumors

In pre-cataclysmic days, when the three great southern islands were one with Alindor, the Lake of Dreams was the source of the River of Whispers that flowed lazily toward the southeast and then turned north before reaching the sea somewhere north of present day Tilmar. Like Lake Dragonsong, its waters bubble from underground springs, and it flows outward through various little streams that keep the forest well irrigated. Stories tell of magic in the water and of unnatural sources since no winter streams feed it and there are no hills around to provide it with water. What little is known, is that the rangers, druids, elves, and woodland folk that live around it have reverence for its cool and clear waters.

On the northeastern shore, the Monastery of Dreams (of ancient construction from before the Great Cataclysm) sits softly on its crystal shores. Its massive stone dragon guardian sits above the temple, while below the monks train and perfect their skills. The Monastery's libraries and teachings are open to anyone at peace with themselves and with sufficient patience; however, training in the arts is only open to those who prove their dedication.
