Co'rys: Notable People

Co'rys: Notable People

Urzhrah Kezed Gran'dherm -Stout, with even features marred by the pitted, shiny scars of acid, Kezed is a dwarf with black hair and eyes and the pale skin of a northerner. He claims to come from somewhere in the Black Ice Isle but his past is a cipher beyond his years in Co'rys. All that can be said is he came in on a ship from Raven's Watch, became friendly with Francis Vehlor soon after, and was a loyal and cunning friend - until he wasn't. He lives in a home in the center of Fort Vehl with two sets of walls, many guards, and his halfling wife Tish, with whom he indulges in his one odd hobby -dancing. He is said to be light on his feet and very flexible. He has an even temper, not given to fits, but has no problems dispatching anyone who displeases him with no more thought that throwing away a gnawed turkey leg after dinner.

Yveisha -This matronly elf carries considerably more weight than others of her race and wears her auburn hair much shorter than is fashionable among elves. Still, she is striking, standing taller than a human female to balance her curves. Yveisha is also single-minded in her pursuit of the secrets of central Co'rys and the magic enchanting it to the exclusion of friends, kin, innocents, or anything else that might get in her way. Her age is unknown, although she appears to be early in her life, and her birth home likewise is given only as Voltrex, leaving the listener to try and guess where on that island she may have family. Her powers with the Al'Noth are unmistakable and she strongly favors illusion and deception to displays of destructive power. Her friendship, if it can be called that, with Kezed is the one thing she might seem to value almost as much as the enigma of the Gloom Woods.

