Branderback: Prayers and Holy Days

While getting spells:
"Let my acts be hidden in the shadows of the night, so that I may gain that which is rightfully mine."

When doing something fishy:
"I pray that wealth belong to the greedy and careless, so that I may take from them what is rightfully mine."

Holy Days
  • Winter Solstice
    The only official holy day to Branderback is the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. Typically, this night is for heists and malfeasance of all kinds, but some cities are catching wind of this and putting extra guards and special precautions out to prevent it. Therefore, a successful robbery, assassination, mugging, or other act dear to the the Greedy Hound brings special esteem on this night.
  • Many-Faced Holy Day
    Followers of the Many-Faced also worship the day of Sharina's death, Decilar 23, believed to be the day of her ascendance. They worship her by getting a tattoo or piercing in her name.

