Parchment Folders

The parchment folders are handy ways to keep your writings in one single inventory place and that helps the server too, but now with LORE it's even better. Any parchment you store in your folder becomes editable on LORE through your character page, provided you have registered with your Public CD Key.


  • Buy a Parchment Folder from General Vendor. Note that it's not in his inventory; it's a special conversation option

  • Buy parchments, or use existing ones.

  • Use the Parchment Folder on the parchment, this removes the parchment from your inventory and "stores" it in your folder.

  • Visit your character page on LORE, you should now see an option to manage your folders.

  • Inside your folders you will see your parchments held within for you to edit. When you're done editing, go back in-game. The next time you log into a Layonara game server or at the next LORE (6 minute) heartbeat you will get a message stating that your folder has changed.

  • Use the Parchment Folder on yourself to be given a dialog that allows you to select which Parchment you wish to take out.

  • Taking out the Parchment restores it to your inventory. It will include any updates added while inside the Parchment Folder.

  • Use the Parchment Folder on another player to give it to them. This gives them access to all parchments contained in the folder.

  • Use the Parchment Folder on a trash can to delete it.

  • You may have as many Parchment Folders as you wish.

  • You can rename Parchment Folders through LORE.
