Im'tiau Wolf Lover


Imtiau was born on the southwestern most island of the Dragon Isles. On an Isle named Veapra. He grew up there with his family that lived all there ages there. His father said to him that there is going to me a ceremony soon that he will have to kill something powerful. He prepared himself for the ceremony that will happen in a five weeks. He had five weeks to prepare himself for it, he learned to fight from his brother that was a leader of pack. His brother thought him the basics of a fighter how to use his claws as a weapon to defend him when he is threatened by someone or something. He trained for two weeks how to be a fighter. The third week, he and his brother went on a stroll in the woods, when they came across a cave. They smelled that there was something in there but didnt know what it was, because there was village nearby and the smell of the centaurs interfered with the one inside the cave. They went back to their home and ate something before going to bed. One day Imtiau brother took him to the same place where they were at the cave. He showed him what was in the cave, it was a Dire wolf witch looked over weight. He told Imtiau that would be the perfect kill for his ceremony. Because the wolf was slow and weak. But in the mean time she was going to have a cub to care for. They want back to their home and got his gear ready, all he took was a shirt and a spear for incase he will need it. The fourth week he went to go and inspect the cave from a distance. He saw the wolf has lost weight over the one week and new it would be stronger now, he looked at the wolf behavior to see where is goes and eats so that he can prepare an ambush. He planed everything that he will need to do on the ceremony. He knew that the wolf would be hungry by losing weight so fast. It would be hard to catch Imtiau because he was really fast. He had a plan to kill the wolf, his plan was to lead the wolf out of the cave into the plains that were nearby, and as the wolf would chase him the wolf would get tired and loose his energy to fight. Week five, it is the ceremony. Imtiau family wished him a good hunt knowing he will do well in it. After he greeted everyone he left. He went straight to the wolfs cave. He planned everything so carefully. He walked to the entrance of the cave and stood a few feet away from it and roared to get the wolfs attention and it work. The wolf slowly walked out of the cave, when he saw the Wemic standing in front of him the wolf charged upon Imtiau. When he saw it charging at he ran to the plains where he made the wolf tired from all the running. The wolf slowly started to slow down. He saw the wolf getting tired and went back to the cave. When he arrived he sawed the wolf getting weak and went for the kill. Imtiau retracted his claws and slapped the wolf in the face with his needle sharp claws, taking the wolf eyes out. Then when the wolf felled down he pulled out his spear and stabbed it through the wolfs hart killing it. When he wanted to pick up the body of the wolf, he hears a faint growl behind him, he turned around and sees the baby dire wolf. He decided to take the dire wolf home with him and care for him. When he arrived at his home he showed his family the wolf he killed and the cub he brought with him. He told his family he killed a pregnant wolf that had a cub and it is his responsibility to take care of him. His family agreed with him and said he wouldnt take care of the wolf him self. He needed to seek help from a druid to learn him more of the wolf and there behavior. Imtiau went to a druid that didnt live far from him. After two days he went to him and asked help from the druid to help him take care of the wolf, also when he was told how to take care of the wolf the druid showed him some spells that will help him in battle. The druid told him everything he wanted to know, from plants to trees and the smallest animal there is. He also learned that by extracting essences from plants he could heal animals that were wounded and people in tribe. With extensive study of the animals he learned that he could change into their shape. Later on he learned if he concentrated hard enough and focused on nature that he can protect himself. He used the energies around himself for example if he focused a tree he could cover himself with bark. If he focused on a bear he could make him self stronger or a panther he could be more graceful. The druid gave a second name to him for that he took care of the wolf and it is: Wolf Lover Imtiau decided to name his wolf: Kjait. They both went home after weeks of training. They explored the Isle in search of a new pack of wolf that will accept him in their pack, for it was his responsibility, but everywhere they went the other wolfs growled at him not wanting them. One day when they were still searching they saw a thing floating on the water, they went closer to see what is, when they got closer they saw different kinds of animals in cages that was tortured by the humans(poachers). Imtiau didnt like the idea that they should be tortured. So that night he sneaked on the boat and set all the animals free. The animals ran of the boat into the woods where they will be safe, when Imtiau and his wolf wanted to go of the boat one of the guards waked up and threw a net over Imtiau and his wolf. They sailed to Fort Vehl so that he must fight in the arena there. When they arrived they locked him up in the cage. Later that night he remembered what his trainer told him, if he concentrates very hard he could turn into a animal, he tried it and shifted into a small black cat so that he could slip through the bars of the cage, when he got out he searched for his wolf and freed him. They ran out of the city into Dappelgreen Outskirts where they lived on the dears. When it was safe they explored the area where they were.

Core Info

Last Seen: 
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 - 6:21am
Player Name: 
First Class: 
Levels in First Class: 


Alchemy Level: 
Alchemy XP: 
Armour Crafting Level: 
Armour Crafting XP: 
Enchanting Level: 
Enchanting XP: 
Fishing Level: 
Fishing XP: 
Food Crafting Level: 
Food Crafting XP: 
Gemcrafting Level: 
Gemcrafting XP: 
Infusing Level: 
Infusing XP: 
Musical Crafting Level: 
Musical Crafting XP: 
Poison Crafting Level: 
Poison Crafting XP: 
Scribing Level: 
Scribing XP: 
Smelting Level: 
Smelting XP: 
Tailoring Level: 
Tailoring XP: 
Tinkering Level: 
Tinkering XP: 
Weapon Crafting Level: 
Weapon Crafting XP: 
Wood Crafting Level: 
Wood Crafting XP: 