One of sand : Part 5 : The dead end.

Lance Stargazer's picture
Event Details
Quest Date: 
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 - 9:00pm - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 12:50am
Starting Location: 
Audira, Sedera Kingdom, Dregar
Level Requirement: 
Max Attendees: 

*The mood is grim, as the group had rescued death upon the betraying sands of the Sedera Kingdom desert, As the group rest, after the collapse of Jasmine's house, it comes to a dead end, what the party will do after the efforts brought on the dune-house.*

*As this happens news from Audira reaches to the place finally as the attacks become fiercer and closer to the Capital of the kingdom, The Realites alongside the armies of the Sand Sea synod are fighting bravely and more open military action is addressed, yet with the city still spending resouces on the repairs after the last festival*

*The night brings confort, even as the town is somehow tense at tne new found changes on the landscape*

Party : Open

Levels : Up to 25, ( People who may be outside of the range, but think they have a valid reason to be, send me a pm and we'll see how can we get the story sorted out . ) 

Type : Cultural, investigative , Maybe Bashy.
