One of sand ... . Part 2 : The dessert wind .. what does it carry ?

Lance Stargazer's picture
Event Details
Quest Date: 
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 - 9:00pm - Thursday, September 5, 2013 - 12:50am
Starting Location: 
Audira, Sedera Kingdom
Level Requirement: 
Max Attendees: 

After the events of the Chair of Redemption, the city is slowly recovering. the ashes and the smell of burnt flesh won't go away in some weeks, It seems that tragedy is bound to keep hitting the Sedera Kingdom

Maybe using this chance, rumours have been heard that some caravans have been attacked now that the kingdom is percieved as weak, The Jnaar has deecreed that The Sand Sea Synod won't stand back to any threat, and that they will repay tenfold for any damages to their noble kingdom. 

Some days have passed since the events of the Audirian Festival of Redemption, while the city tryies to restore, a call is issued for an investigation by the authorities.

As this transpires, the Raelites dignataires have returned to the city, a bigger camp this time is seen on the outskirts of Audira, what would be what they may want now? 

What you do?  What would be your reaction to the death traps that the Sedera desert has to offer .

Rumor Thread : *In the Sand sea of Sedera*


Where : Audira, Sedera Kingdom, Dregar

When :  Your time

Party : Open

Levels : Up to 25, ( People who may be outside of the range, but think they have a valid reason to be, send me a pm and we'll see how can we get the story sorted out . ) 

Type : Cultural, investigative , Maybe Bashy. 
