What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

lonnarin's picture

Including stalking the Layo Forums, of course!

for myself, in terms of frequency...

1) Layo Forum Addiction

2) Listen to Angry Death Metal

3) Youtube-aholic

4) Browse political sites like crooksandliars.com for Daily Show clips

5) Read & Re-Read my 40 Years of X-Men & 20 Years of Spiderman pdf DVDs

6) Read Stephen King's Dark Tower series

7) run around the warehouse with a WD-40 flamethrower killing wasps

8: Yell at Customers who pee on the toilet seat and shame them out of the store

9) roll around in bubblewrap and packaging peanuts

10) Chase people away from our company dumpster

11) Practice Juggling

12) sneak off to the sports bar for buffalo wings

13) Troll Yahoo Answers

14) open up the classic Pizza Tycoon for a few rounds when nobody's looking

15) Talk to my stuffed Pillsbury Doghboy on my desk in two different voices

16) Browse Ebay for "the perfect monkey skull" so I can make Farros' rattle IRL

17) Obnoxiously ask the homeless people in the parking lot for a dollar to see how they like it, and follow them around yelling at them when they say no.

18: Do Grocery Shopping

19) Figure out 10,000 cullinary uses for leftover Arby's Sauce & Horseradish packets

20) prepare for my PnP Shadowrun Campaign


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Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

I am so glad I started this thread and that it arose form way ancient graveyard plotting! >:D

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

*grins evily* oh yes... not being trampled to death by 18 rabid mothers doing mortal combat over the last Tickle Me Elmo does have its finer qualities. On the plus side, should get off Xmas-New Years day, so I'll have a weeklong video game marathon to purge the dancing numbers from my mind.

My New Years resolution is to slack off more productively. More CDTs, more crazy posts, maybe install an academic discount copy of Adobe Acrobat onto my workstation and start putting together some D&D PnP Modules and stick em on a site somewhere. Definitely interested in Pathfinder and ShadowRun tabletop in the near future. Hopefully I can recruit the whole department for playtesting.

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?


7. Play Layo from work as soon as supervisor leaves for the day. :)

Now that's audacity.

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

depends on what you call work. When you really like what you do and you almost have complete control over time can you call it work?

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

I guess reading this at work means I'm slacking off right now :)

Word Mate--- Same here.!!!

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

I guess reading this at work means I'm slacking off right now :)

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

*sniff* Pathfinder.. . Good mate , good, wish I could be there to play a paladin finally balanced *Grins*

I mean , who needs a horse when you can have the spirit of JUSTICE imbued on your sword, Save The Silver Flame.....

Hope you have a great time there, and good luck with your playtesting.

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

Arrrrgh... How I despise Data Entry!

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

No, I call it impossible :D :D haha ha ha

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

Everybody went home for the xmas break, and one would think I COULD slack off right now. But now they have us doing inventory, deep cleaning, side-projects and the like. Now I'm busier than when I was swamped!

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

Drink coffee

Layo Forums

Layo IRC

webcomics (except sinfest, which, inexplicably, blocked at my work)


Crosswords puzzles


Drink more coffee

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

1) Layo Forums

2) Coffee

3) Chat with users under the guise of network improvement

4) Reboot the Router (Although, I only do that when I am lonely. Everyone comes to my office to say "hi" just after.

5) IRC

6) bug my wife at work via IM

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

Everybody went home for the xmas break, and one would think I COULD slack off right now. But now they have us doing inventory, deep cleaning, side-projects and the like. Now I'm busier than when I was swamped!

Arrrrgh... How I despise Data Entry!

It could be worse my friend, remember the Walmart times. Cheer up!!!

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

1) Layo Forums

2) WoW

3) IRC

4) Stare at a blank Word document

5) Watch a movie

6) Read

7) Do Just about anything feasable that doesn't include doing what I'm supposed to be doing...

Speaking of supposed to be doing I need a printer *sigh*

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

Oh this is always fun.

1. Play NWN

2. Browse forums

3. Browse Facebook

4. Read gay fantasy novels at Nifty

5. Read actually published fiction

6. Type my Prof's dis. while he dictates since he can't type faster than like 30 words a minute. (OK this is a little outdated because he succesfully defended a few weeks ago but still, its what I use to spend alot of my time doing while I was suppose to be in class/writing papers.)

7. Writting last minute abstracts because my co-authors decided to change the paper we were submitting and not tell me about it till the day of deadlines.

8. Write the English paper that was due last week because I never got around to it due to all of the above.

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

Make numerous trips to the water fountain

Tell my students to focus focus focus while I search the forums

See what the lastest Breaking News is on Fox

Snack snack snack

Tell the class the reason it's so hot in here is because the air conditoner is lagging

Run to the fountain again

Check all the above over and over again

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

*Browse the layo forums


*Lots of Emailing

*Shop Online

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

*grins* My telecommute job is really slow.

1.a Play on layo, but nothing so serious that I would have to chose between my job and a roll against the soul mother.

1.b Camp the forums.

2. NWN2. This works good, as when I click on an Instant Messenger tab, the game pauses.

3. Watch Scifi TV shows

4. Watch movies.

5. Wash dishes, cook dinner or clean my apartment. Is that slacking?


Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

1) Write the next bit of the Layo handbook on my list, looking over my shoulder for the sound of gimpy footsteps telling me my boss is coming.

2) Play Texas Hold'em on my cell or online.

3) Read Go Fug Yourself . Laugh at all the badly dressed pretty people who are skinnier, richer, and more famous than I. Feel better about my jeans and a tee shirt for about thirty-five seconds, then sink back into a funk.

4) Chat with Husband via IM.

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

I don't really do anything else of what I'm supposed to be doing at work.. I guess:

-Call my family and talk to them

-Watch others pretending to work

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

Browse the Layo Forums

Look at Worth1000.com photo contests

Go to myconfinedspace.com and look at those photos

Read whatever online books are available, currently reading "Moby "

Go to the restroom and play solitaire on my cell phone

Try to remember what I'm actually supposed to be doing at work...O.o


Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

1) Layo Forum Addiction.

2) Look at other sites on the net - with an expression I have perfected over the years that relays the impression that I am perplexing over some weighty work related issue instead of what I am really viewing (trying hard not to tilt my head to one side).

3) Age of Empires.

4) Practice sucking in my tummy and tensing every muscle in my body in an oh-so casual pose when THE girl from the hairdressers two shops down walks past my storefront.

5) Whittling down my account on Sportsbet.

6) Plan quests.

7) Write CDT entries (putting this at number 7 means this list is no longer in any sort of order).

8 ) Chat on the phone, again with an expression of studied indifference..

9) Receive phone calls from Polak76 and listen to how good a build he had been contemplating would be at level 40. Explain (again) all classes are pretty decent at level 40.

10) Email.

A typical Day in the life of Pseudonym

If the old lady had been the first, or the second, or even anywhere in the single figures of the people to come up to the counter with a gift card expecting it to be for sale at $1.00, despite it being clearly marked at $3.95, I might have reacted differently. However, as she was the 47th person of an elderly persuasion that day who had approached the register WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING THE PRICE, I must confess to acting first and thinking about consequences later.

Anyway, as it was, I patiently explained the situation to this lady who seemed to find it incomprehensible that prices had increased ever so marginally from 1936. When this dear old lady (hereafter referred to as Mabel) reacted in a manner similar to the 46 aged customers preceding her, ie. with shocked indignation at my temerity in charging the Recommended Retail Price, instead of a humble apology for not reading the price label I just snapped.

Twelve years of stifled retorts and suppressed smart-alek comments exploded from me in an instant. In a blur defying focus from mortal vision my right fist was cocked and then lashed out with crushing velocity. Mabel's skull imploded in a fountain of bone and ambiguous grey matter. Before she even had a chance to fall to the shop floor (now covered in skull confetti) my left hand also struck out. My fingers tore through Mabel's paper-thin skin. Her ribs shattered like matchsticks. I plucked the still beating heart from the crimson cavity that had been Mabel's chest and raised the grisly trophy over my head in an overdue display of primal and visceral triumph.

Still not entirely satisfied I leapt the counter-top and landed on Mabel's corpse with the full weight of my misspent late 20s and early 30s. Her organs spilt from the hiking boot shaped rent in her midriff like a hyperbolic multitude of writhing serpents. The blood-red mist clouding my vision I believe was most probably a combination of my berserk fury and actual agitated entrail vapour. As I jumped and pounded, pounded and jumped, a laugh from the depths of my being erupted forth. I laughed and laughed and laughed ...

No, not really. I smiled and bid her a good afternoon as she harrumphed out of the store without completing the transaction.

Me: "It is the quality of the eyepieces and the aperture of the scope that are the primary factors in determining the clarity of your image with any telescope. That, above all else, is what would explain price discrepancies between different models. Too much compromise on the quality of the eyepieces in order to save say $20-30 can really mean the difference between encouraging a hobby and discouraging it."

Typical dumb-**** Customer: "Yeh, but K-Mart (translation: Walmart?) have got a telescope I fink is real good for $39.95"

Assuming a bland and nonchalant expression for the purpose of putting the dopey, ignorant, bogan (translation: Redneck?) customer (hereafter referred to as Barry) off his guard, I reached behind my back to where I had previously scabbarded the 18" hunting knife. Figuring Barry did not deserve an easy death was decided with preternatural swiftness and without further ado I plunged the blade deep. Leaving the knife inserted to ensure he didn't bleed out too quickly I followed up with a nose-flattening head butt. Were Barry's death not imminent anyway from the knife attack he probably would not have had a great quality of life given the damage my Liverpool Kiss had just delivered.

Doubled over from the pain and shock of my attack, Barry made an easy target for insertion of the display telescope. Barry, I think, finally realised the importance of a telescope's aperture. How he managed to cling to consciousness during this ordeal I know not but I didn't question my luck to be given more opportunity to inflict further punishment. Perhaps the maniacal gleam in my eye revealed my intent as I extracted from my pocket a pair of needle-nose pliers. Much like my capacity for reasoned thought, the pliers descended, descended, descended . . .

No, not really. I smiled and said "Ok, sure. If you've got any more queries about telescopes, whether ours or any others, you're more than welcome to come and ask. Cheers, mate, have a good afternoon!"

*goes back to checking out forums*

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

1. Read this forum and laugh at Psuedonym's reply

2. Ignore the majority of my work since procrastination pays off now, hard work - who knows.

3. Network socially via IM and phone with various people

4. Drink coffee

5. Make trips to the break room for said coffee

6. Fire up Itunes and rock out to DMB

7. Play Layo from work as soon as supervisor leaves for the day. :)

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

I had to find a way around the firewall at work. They have the Layo forums set as a blocked site. I found one because I'm sending this from my work computer ;)

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

*falls off his chair laughing*

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

It's a good thing I'm retired. I actually worked, when I worked. I can see now how misguided I was.

Re: What Do You Do When You're Pretending to Work?

I actually do work. Not much to slack off when you are outside for 9-14 hours a day.

Get home, check forums, IM then die in bed, only to be resurrected at 6am to do it all again.