Restricted Multiclassing

The following classes have restrictions on the way that they can be multiclassed beyond the basic restrictions of alignment enforced by NWN. These rules will be enforced in character submissions and in game by the GM team members.


Druids may not freely multiclass with any base or prestige class except Shifter. If a character leaves the path of the druid to pursue another path (i.e. takes a level in any other class excluding shifter) they may not return to the druidic path. The only way to return to (or enter later in life for the first time) the path, is by some interaction with druidic society via a CDQ. Druids also have many restriction on the armor and weapons they can use beyond those enforced by NWN and many RP considerations that are very important.


Monks may not freely multiclass with any base or prestige class. If a character leaves the path of discipline and meditation they may not return without a CDQ. A character may not enter this class later in life without a CDQ.


Paladins may not freely multiclass with any base or prestige class except those specifically allowed by different religions and sects within those religions.

If a paladin joins the Lightbringers of Aeridin, he or she may freely multiclass with the Undead Slayer class

Members of the Chapter of Protection can freely multiclass between Paladin and Wizard (Abjuration specialisation required)

Members of the Chapter of Change can freely multiclass between Paladin and Wizard (Transmutation specialisation required)

Members of the Chapter of destruction may freely multiclass between Paladin and Wizard (Evocation specialisation required)

Paladins of Rofirien may not freely multiclass.

A paladin who achieves membership as a Champion of Toran may freely multiclass between paladin and Champion.

Members of the Order of the Shining Hand may freely multiclass with the Undead Slayer prestige class.

A paladin who achieves membership as a Champion of Vorax may freely multiclass between paladin and Champion.
