Of Cults and Coins

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Of Cults and Coins

Cows and Tunnels

Cows attacking people.  Dreams, angry dreams and not in revalrie.  A fashionista that wants to give me lessons on how to speak common though I've been speaking it longer than she has been born. Her doe eyed lapdog, a shifty human that could melt into shadows all  following a trail into unknown tunnels to fight unknown foes of unknown strength for unknown reasons.  It is all a blurr and I have no reason why except I was following to serve, protect and heal.   The adventure ended with death of some unknown mage and destruction of some magical device.


Ships and Coins


I'm not sure I understand the human concept of a cult, but I am trying. Why spread fear and chaos where there is so much that happens without the actual planning ?

I am back in Spellgard again.  It is good to spend time with family but that is not my purpose.  With the sorceror Connor's help I came last night with a coin that is cursed.  It seemed to have a hold on the mind of those that come within its vacinity.  It effected several humans, some elves and a dwarf.  Probably due to thier general lack of will, the dwarf seemed most overcome by the coin.  I should say coins.  I only brought one back for study. There were more but putting them together seemed to compound the effect so I thought it best not to carry more than one in case my bindling was not successful.

I think Connor and his lady Anna will be staying close to Hempstead for the time being.  They believe there is some stronghold within the city walls. 


Research and Family

I took the coin back to Spellgard under heavy wards.  Here we have spent some time unraveling its cursed effects.  It seems to hold its bearer under its influence, that influence growing stonger by duration of ownership.   It has ties to a pit known for chaos.  Not much more were we able to deduce, or at least that was all shared with me.

It is good to be back in Spellgard.  As the family keeps reminding me, it is too far between my visits.  The coin is but one piece in this puzzle and I'll be heading back to Hempstead soon.  Connor and Anna were concerned about the possibillity of a stronghold within the city.  I will have to go and have another look.  There is no point staying here as the temple is focused on talk of dragons, not coins and horses.


Chaos and Portals

It would seem that the influence of this cult is effected without the use of the coins for how else could one explain the most recent events?  I simply went to recognoiter the building suspected of housing the cell Connor and Anna spoke of when I was besieged by a group of adventures covered in magical wards marching through the streets of Port Hempstead with no regard to any subterfuge.   They burst into the house and in the ensuing battle there were several left with only a tenious hold on this life.  Unfortunatley within the group were several dwarves.  In time I came to respect my husband's adopted clan but the time I have recently spent with this group of adventuring dwarfs only strengthens the reasons why our races do not get along.  Where Jonathans clan was proud and noble, these examples of dwarves are rude and uncooth.  I would think decent dwarves would be rather embarassed to claim them.  The problem being is that one of them was amoung the fallen.  To ask the Lady of Spells to soil herself returning that back to life.  As repulsive as he was, we need fighters or there would be more dead.  It was good that I had saved onto scrolls a few prayers that could return life.  I think it would be not as much of an affront to my Lady.

A passage was found beneath the building harboring more coins and pit creatures and a portal.  The fashion advisor lighted headed blond sorceress thought walked through it without seemingly a thought.  Her cow eyed side kick followed.  As I said , chaos.  No planning, no real investigations.  The portal entered into some kind of labrinyth complete with fire pits.   Between the pit creatures and trying to stay alive as well as keep other alive I really am not sure what really went on.  I remember a summoned fake dragon at one point and the repuslive dwarf trying to take a nap.   

We found another portal deeper in and not by any intentional design I think it was disabled but I'm not sure.   It was a free for all and chaos reigned.  Makes me wonder if the cult was in charge, and if I should continue with this investigation at all.


