Nothing to fear but fear itself... or... You've lost that loathing feelin'

Eorendil's picture
Event Details
Quest Date: 
Friday, January 30, 2009 - 9:00pm - Saturday, January 31, 2009 - 1:00am
Level Requirement: 
Max Attendees: 

The tide of anger and conflict, having withdrawn silently and almost without notice from the port of Mariner's hold in years past, left an almost palpable void and an uneasy feeling in the stomachs of most of its citizens.

Stories of malicious enchantments, spirits and demons followed as people attempted to grasp what truly happened. Some caught the ear of a bard, others faded quickly into obscurity, but today... today the city itself has given credence to one such rumor.

After a recent rash of deaths access has been blocked to a section of the docks and strangely the only ones complaining are the owners of the ships that are stranded there.

Pier 7 is haunted and no one will set foot on it. Will you?

Party: Max 10
Level limit: None, though could be very dangerous for lower levels.
Roleplay: Always a must.
Combat: Highly likely and possibly deadly.
Start: Mariner's Hold.
Duration: ~3-4 hours
Start Time: Here
