Fascinating! (Brac'ar's Fascinating Missile Storm)

EdTheKet's picture
Event Details
Quest Date: 
Thursday, March 13, 2008 - 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Level Requirement: 
Max Attendees: 

By reading the title you should know who's speaking :)


Fellow practitioners of the art,

It is with great pleasure and satisfaction that I will present the results of my research. My esteemed colleague Moraken of Hlint has graciously allowed me to host my lecture at his tower.

Should you wish to attend this event, please send a short letter and your resume to my attention at the scribing shop in Adara.

Colleagueal greetings,

Brac'ar Fireface Kilring,
Wizard, tailor and scribe

//see also "Rumour Has It"
