Bumblebee @ Stormcrest

Event Details
Quest Date: 
Tuesday, June 5, 2007 - 11:00am - 1:00pm
Level Requirement: 
Max Attendees: 

The small figure of Bumblebee can be seen quite often in the vicinity of the Stormcrest Guides' shack. Most often, with small torch in hand, he sits upon the large gnarled foundation roots of the tree that embraces the building.

Few passerby escape his inquiries of news from the trails or tales of lore. Recently, though, he has been seeking help solving a riddle.


9am - 11am GMT-4 (East coast USA)

Bumblebee will be heading out to look for a location specified in a riddle. Discussion of the riddle along followed by exploration to dangerous locations on West server to follow. Meet at Stormcrest if you wish or send me a tell ingame if you're a late arriver and want to catch up.

See ya!
