Ancients Legacy: Digging for Answers or Another Brick in the Wall

Rowana's picture
Event Details
Quest Date: 
Saturday, October 25, 2014 - 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Starting Location: 
Ft. Vehl
Additional Gamemasters: 
Additional Gamemasters: 
Level Requirement: 
Max Attendees: 

The stars have shifted in the sky. Do the gods speak messages to us or are we only observing the machinations, unconsidered at all?

The world has adjusted and continued on it's way but to some, these changes are too much, too coincidental and too costly.

Many people meet in Ft. Vehl, on their way to other places.



We are desperately waiting

We are desperately waiting for this great moment, I along with my friends don’t want to miss this and will try to reach the exact location at 3:00 pm sharp.

Technically, I should be able

Technically, I should be able to make it for this. Physically I may be exhausted from all my endeavors, but this is one split moment of time where I am available assuming that it is Eastern.

Time zones

Times posted should be whatever you have your personal forum settings at. Hope that helps!


Ah! Always wondered about

Ah! Always wondered about that. Yep! So, according to that, my time is 1 o'clock Eastern on Saturday october 25th And I will be able to be there.  (Technically. )