A Daring Rescue!

Event Details
Quest Date: 
Thursday, October 23, 2008 - 9:30pm - Friday, October 24, 2008 - 1:00am
Level Requirement: 
Max Attendees: 

A Daring Rescue
Or: They Might Be Giants!

Level Range: 7-16

A cry for help comes from Fort Vehl; daring adventurers sought for an urgent rescue! Those interested asked to assemble near the main gates, and prepare for a mountain journey.

Party Limit: 10

Specifics: Fairly bashy, but with room for innovative thinking and use of non-combat skills. Combat will be dangerous, but really, that's the point.

- Adventure starts in Vehl by main gates.
- Adventure starts at 8:30 PM EDT, or your time http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=10&day=23&year=2008&hour=20&min=30&sec=0&p1=250
- Please bring your patience, as this will be my first run event.
- I hope to see you there!
