Restoration of Vale Meeting

Charm2009's picture
Event Details
Quest Date: 
Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 11:00pm - Sunday, October 18, 2015 - 1:00am
Starting Location: 
Level Requirement: 
Max Attendees: 

This is a meeting to discuss the restoration of the village Vale and surrounding areas. This will be a meeting to set up the actual GM ran event to put all the plans in motion.



Is this PST time?

If so Sib should be there.. well online.. any chance for a port if i cant find Vale, Ive been there twice..!

Sorry for being Late

It was PST. If your setting are right, no matter what time the poster posted, it would make adjust your time.
Since it was not a GM led event, there can't be a port. However, if you send a tell next time, someone can run out and meet you.
On the bright side...there will be another one!

Zigruum would love to attend

Zigruum would love to attend but going to be out of town and away from computer this weekend.

Another meeting

Depending on the turnout, I may try to schedule a second meeting.  RL schedule permitting.

Possibility that Jo can make it.

I'm going to make an attempt at attending after all.


Quenton should be there

Quenton should be there (unless some random thing comes up that is unforseeen).

yeah what willhoff said,

yeah what willhoff said, going outa town but thanks for trying to clean up that darky mess