Mapping the Deep

miltonyorkcastle's picture
Event Details
Quest Date: 
Repeats every 7 days until Fri Sep 25 2015 .
Thursday, May 14, 2015 - 10:00pm - Friday, May 15, 2015 - 1:30am
Starting Location: 
Fort Miritrix
Level Requirement: 
Max Attendees: 

Steel has set off on a journey to continue improving his records of the Deep, attempting to become the surface's foremost scholar on the landscape and geography of the Deep. Those that wish to aid this endeavor are welcome, though each comes at his own peril.

/// This is a player event to use the new mapping system to annotate the secrets of the Deep. All are welcome, but be aware that any below 15th lvl may have a difficult time staying alive if they are not very, very careful. Heck, same goes for those above 15th lvl, heh.

Also note that we will be taking our sweet freakin' time, so be prepared for enemy ambushes and character development.

Finally, this will be an ongoing series, meaning you can join up during Steel's mapping adventures later if you miss this one. There will be a firendly GM port to and from.///
